Logotipo Buscatusclases
Logotipo Buscatusclases
Forms DYN

Test de nivel Inglés

1.- What___ you _____ watch at weekends?

2.- They have _____ to Paris several times.

3.- Our teacher has been______ for 5 years.

4.- The house has been _____ _______ professionals.

5.- Anne hates working. She’s______.

6.- If I____ you, I would_____ the opposite.

7.- _____ we go out tonight?

8.- Mary_________ while his brother__________.

9.- If Mark ______ drunk so much, he wouldn’t ______ his car.

10.- I don’t like vegetables, I think they are _____.

11.- John loves hanging out with friends, what about you?

12.- Harry looks like his father, he _______ him.

13.- He has no money to survive, he just_______.

14.- I like my job _____, I think I ________ somewhere else. _______ I’m thinking of _______ my job.

15.- In spite of ______ hard, she ___ just_____to start _____ lessons.

16.- The play was_______ stunning.

17- There is __________ small traces of mercury in fish.

18.- Forty_______ people attended the meeting_____ to learn new techniques.

19- The plot of the film was quite simple. It was a __________ film.

20.- Connor___________ and_______ every odd he encountered.




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